Private and Group Coaching
What is Energy Leadership Coaching?
Our experiences, values, and assumptions either limit what we see, or expand it. They are the lens we subconsciously see through, shape who we are, and determine how others receive us. Over time, seeing life through our personal lens can put us on auto pilot, reacting with conditioned responses that hold us back from realizing our full potential. Our lens can also serve us, transforming us into charismatic, compassionate leaders who enjoy strong, healthy relationships wherever we go. Growing our self awareness — our consciousness — empowers us to choose how we see things, choose how we respond, and in so doing, become the best versions of ourselves.
Core Energy Coaching was created by Bruce Schneider, Ph.D., M.C.C., and is taught and certified through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching, an International Coaching Federation (ICF)-accredited training program. This proprietary process surfaces potential in individuals, couples, families and in teams across businesses of every kind. The process helps clients emotionally connect their inner purpose and external goals, bringing about sustainable results.
The Energy Levels
There are two types of energy: anabolic, which is constructive and healing, and catabolic, which is destructive and associated with our stress response hormones, cortisol and adrenaline. Energy Leadership Coaching identifies 7 Levels of Energy, with "catabolic” energy living at the low end of the scale, and shifting to “anabolic” energy at Level 3.
An Energy Leadership coach’s goal is not to help a client advance from one end of the scale to the other, but to teach them to recognize and consciously choose their energetic response as they experience the corresponding thoughts, emotions and behaviors of each level.
It is normal for people to cycle up and down the energetic spectrum as they experience life. There is no "good" or "bad" energy, but each has inherent advantages and disadvantages and can be consciously used to reach specific goals. These energetic insights reshape attitudes and worldviews, while transforming who we are. And because energy attracts like energy — we quickly see how our energetic choices affect others in our life, who begin to respond in kind.
Energetic response changes with stress.
Level 1 - "I lose"
The lowest level of catabolic energy; believes a situation is outside of their influence or control. Creates self criticism and doubt, and any emotion perceived as powerlessness.
ADVANTAGE: Protects us from assuming responsibility for negative life events and draws needed support from others.
DISADVANTAGE: Restricts satisfaction and fulfillment because the person does not take action. Decision-making is impaired.
Level 2 - "I win, you lose"
Catabolic and characterized by conflict. Situations viewed as black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. Attempts control and blames others when things go wrong. Must fight for themselves.
ADVANTAGE: Gets a lot done. Works well under stress but this push toward success comes at a cost.
DISADVANTAGE: As motivation is forced, results are not sustainable and in time impair motivation, satisfaction and the productivity of others.
Level 3 - "I win, if you do too, great"
The point of entry to anabolic energy. Focus is on getting results. Allows others to release negativity as they pursue results. Takes responsibility for thoughts, feelings and actions.
ADVANTAGE: Moves past judgment and negativity to focus on achieving the desired outcome.
DISADVANTAGE: In the pursuit of finding solutions, underlying issues go unaddressed. Catabolic energy beneath the surface leads to settling for “good enough.”
Level 4 - "You win, I love you"
Moderately anabolic and concerned for others. Looks and feels selfless, compassionate, grateful. Gives conditional love. Great problem solvers; considers implications on others. Fixers who others come to for help and advice.
ADVANTAGE: Sincerely care about serving others.
DISADVANTAGE: Poor boundary setters. Get pulled into others’ drama. Little self-care leads to overwhelm, and dropping into catabolic energy.
Level 5 - "We both win; I understand you"
Moderate to high anabolic energy; hallmark of great leaders everywhere. Rejects good or bad labels as everything is an opportunity to learn. Powerful, inspiring, and explores purpose in everything.
ADVANTAGE: Generates ideas and sees opportunities everywhere; doesn’t take things personally.
DISADVANTAGE: Paralysis by analysis. Can be disengaged from emotions as a result. High optimism can lead to taking too many risks.
Level 6 - "Everyone always wins; I am you!"
Highly anabolic and approaches situations with complete openness. Strong connection to others and leverages everyone’s gifts as a unified whole. Creative geniuses, visionaries and brilliant and conscious leaders in all walks of life.
ADVANTAGE: Intuitive, empathic, and can feel and connect without judgment.
DISADVANTAGE: May appear ungrounded, or seen as out of touch or aloof. High risk takers, acting on impulse vs. logic or emotion.
Level 7 - "Winning and losing are illusions; I am"
Highest level of anabolic energy. This is the level of creation, characterized by complete objective thinking, non-judgment, fearlessness and unconditional love. Can access our higher intelligence and create the world we choose. Can use other energy levels at will.
ADVANTAGE: Co-create their life experience; connected to their inner genius.
DISADVANTAGE: Can be perceived by others as disconnected.
Measurable and manageable. Progress you can see and feel.*
Energy Leadership Index Assessment: For individuals and teams
Radically change your approach to work and life. The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. It’s only available through an iPEC Certified Coach, and conclusively demonstrates your progress over the course of our coaching engagement.