BossCoach connects you to transitioning families who need specialized help
It takes a village to prepare a family business for generational transition.
Trusted Advisors
Business, Estate Planning & Tax Attorneys
CPAs and Tax Preparers
Financial Planners and Wealth Managers
Banking and Lending
Insurance & Risk Management
Fractional Consultants
Human Resources
Information Technology
Interim Leaders
Interim CEOs
Interim Presidents
Turnaround specialists
Culture specialists
How BossCoach Adds Value to You
Quarterback the Succession Plan
As a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA), I assemble multi-disciplinary teams to provide a holistic approach that drives efficiency and increases client value. As project manager, I handle the legwork on behalf of busy founders, accelerating progress and making your job easier.
Improve Conflict and Communication
As an ICF-certified coach, I tackle the root cause of any family business challenge, addressing the underlying thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so people are able to create sustainable change. We address the six big threats to family business harmony with Energy Leadership coaching.
Build Change-Ready Organizations
As a certified ValueBuilder™, I help owners address their personal and financial readiness to exit, and determine what is needed to prepare the business and internal team for change. This includes building value in the business to ensure sufficient cash flow to fund the buyout of the departing owner.
When Family Business Conflict Calls for Intervention
A trusted name in Cincinnati’s family business community.
The BossCoach Way
With focus on personal accountability, BossCoach clients master their thoughts, associated feelings and behaviors, transforming how the people in their life respond to them and creating long-term, sustainable change.
Administer the Energy Leadership Index™ assessment to expedite everyone’s understanding of the attitudes, assumptions, and beliefs disrupting family harmony. We debrief with all the parties and agree on a coaching plan.
Deliver one-to-one and family coaching, in a manner appropriate for the situation and for the amount of time needed, to diffuse conflict, restore communication, and resume forward progress.
Clients accomplish this through mastery of 10 Core Disciplines which ground them in the present, where they can effect real change.
No genograms. No trauma timelines. Just quality coaching that opens lines of communication, restores forward motion, and develops emotional intelligence.
The 10 Disciplines of COR.E Leadership™
Conscious to your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, the choices you have, and the impact you make on people and situations.
Everything is as it is for a reason that you may or may not comprehend. You release judgment so you can deal with it while learning from it.
Conscious Choice
You consult your head, your heart and your gut to make fast and accurate decisions. You understand discernment and resist judgment.
Trust the Process
You set long-term goals and create a plan to get there. You course correct if needed, but you are not distracted by shiny objects.
You celebrate what makes you unique while inspiring others to do the same. You do not conform to what’s expected. You shine and others follow.
You take measured risks without doubt. You resist fear-based decisions and trust that whatever unfolds, you will find a way to have it serve you.
You create your own confidence. It is not caused by external praise or results. You handle problems as they come and embrace all outcomes.
You are aware of the impact you have on others, and the impact they have on you. You understand nothing happens in isolation. We ebb and flow.
You focus on one thing at a time. Totally present, your intuition is alive because all of your energy is focused on making right now work for all.
100% Engagement
If something is worth doing, you play full out. Intention is backed by action. You are fully committed and all your energy is focused in the moment.
They advise. I coach. We’re different.
Doctors, Therapists and Counselors
Doctors, therapists and counselors treat mental health issues and provide a level of care necessary to address deep-seated emotional issues, trauma, addiction and more. They help their clients heal by figuring out the “why.” Coaches are for well-functioning people who are solution-focused, seeking to learn and be developed, and who want a plan to move forward by focusing on the “how.”
Industrial & Organizational Psychologists
Industrial and organizational psychologists focus on the behavior of employees in the workplace. They apply psychological principles and research methods to improve the overall work environment, including performance, communication, professional satisfaction and safety. Generally, they focus on structural and systemic changes, not coaching emotionally charged family relationships.
What People Are Saying