Energy Leadership: Level up your life
Sedona, 2021, with Tina Taylor and Joanne Formal, two of my favorite people.
Freedom. Friendship. Absolute flow. This is a mindset worth mastering. And as we do, we attract higher energy people to us.
A clean desk and tidy home. Annual and quarterly goals. A commitment to saving and investing. Eating right. Exercising. Getting rest.
Disciplined people thrive within self-imposed constructs like these. Our orderly approaches to life lend us a sense of control, allowing us to see progress, reduce anxiety, and keep it all moving forward.
Over time, however, these disciplines become routines. We put productivity on auto pilot and with every box on our to-do lists checked, we check out. Fast forward to our 50s, and many of us can’t name what we want, say where we are headed, and way too often, why we are here. “Success” becomes something to be redefined, and within the larger context of life purpose.
For the past year I’ve been studying something called Energy Leadership™. It has brought freedom, joy, ease, and flow to my everyday life, in addition to important new friendships.
Twelve months in and I have shifted out of auto pilot. I am clear on what I am creating with my life, and I am beyond motivated to get after it. I don’t judge people or situations nearly as much as I once did, and that allows me to see new opportunities and solutions that were invisible before. Most critical to my personal development, I’ve stopped showing up as “desperate to please.” I speak my truth now, and that doesn’t mean I have a license to be rude or insensitive. I’m just less afraid and more OK with me, so I communicate what my needs are instead of unconsciously manipulating situations to go my way. And because I am better at staying in the present moment, I’m a much better listener. My loved ones appreciate that.
I’m still a work in progress. Of course I am; we all are. But there’s real progress here.
Energy Leadership brings your awareness to every moment and interaction. It stops unconscious navigation through life. As you connect the invisible line between your thoughts, emotions and actions, you gain a new understanding of what it means to be accountable. That’s when purpose starts to shine through.
If you are stuck in a rut, struggling with conflict, find yourself muscling through each day, if you are depleted by a lack of self care, or your ability to lead is compromised because you just see too many choices in front of you, know that energy leadership — mastering your ability to lead your energy — is a skill that can be learned.
It is a skill that causes others to respond to us differently, and as we level up, we attract higher energy people to us.
Over the next few weeks I will be walking my readers through each energy level (there are seven) exploring their nuances, the upsides and downsides of each, and how people can tap into different levels when it serves them — by choice — at will.
If you are interested in learning about this powerful way of being, follow me below, or schedule a complementary call.
I am a family focused executive coach. It lights me up to help families restore harmony and help people discover purpose. Please share who you are, what you want, and your life purpose in the comments below. If that’s hard for you, trust you are in the majority, but maybe we should talk.